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Business & Artificial Intelligence

                               Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  extends  the   results like enhanced productivity, improved accuracy, and
                               capacity of computing to an entirely new   reduced  cost.  With  such  a  large  amount  of  advantages,
                               level. It lets systems to create predictions   A1  is  lodged  progressively  for  administrative  tasks  and
                               and make changes correspondingly – as   accounting, leading to numerous structural changes.
                               humans  would.  It  allows  computers  to   Businesses  have  found  innumerable  ways  to  use  the
                               perform  machine-based  learning  that
                By: Hamza Saleem  earlier was left to humans.     ability of AI – and the majority of them boil right down
                   (Multan)                                       to  automating  a  task,  and  eliminating  the  necessity  for
                  Reg # 20160652  In the accounting profession, wherever   human  intervention  to  complete  it,  whereas  typical
               individuals  cope  with  automatic  tasks,  AI  could  be  a   automation merely follows a collection of human-defined
               replacement of human capabilities for the betterment.  rules. AI retains additional info regarding the tasks it has
                                                                  finished  and  simulates  human  thinking  to  make  future
               A survey from MIT-Boston Consulting group depicts, over   decisions without human intervention.
               80% of individuals believe that AI results in competitive
               advantage, and 79% believe that technology will increase   For  accountants,  A1  relieves  a  number  of  the  number-
               the  productivity  of  the  business.  Artificial  intelligence  is   crunching  they  are  doing  each  day.  By  automating
               getting  used  by  several  accounting  companies  where  it   processes  through  A1,  accounting  teams  will  evolve  to
               analyzes  a  considerable  volume  of  information  at  high   serve the business in additional purposeful way and take
               speed, which might not be simple for human being.  on more strategic roles, which means skipping the tedious
                                                                  tasks  (think:  transaction  data  entry)  and  applying  more
               Artificial Intelligence within the Accounting Sector
                                                                  time on higher worth activities for employers and clients.
               Companies are these days grasping and implementing new   At an even higher level, machine learning – a preferred
               technologies to streamline their business operations, and   strain of A1 – applies completely different statistical and
               among one of the activities that are on the top of their, list   learning models to data sets to form different inferences
               is the accounting. That’s as a result of AI is providing positive
                                                                  and outputs.

               ICMA Pakistan’s Students’ e-Magazine            17               Volume 2.1       |    February 2020
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