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Now imagine of having the power to enforce
               this discipline to finance. Sounds good, no?
               The significant barrier

               Building  an  AI  system  needs  a  level  of
               resources  –  time,  talent,  and  investment
               capital  –  that  most  mid-market  firms  lack.
               When  mid-market  businesses  lack  those  in-
               house  resources  to  develop  AI,  it’s  usually
               better to consult current vendors and appraise
               their AI capabilities. What tools do they have?
               What  will  those  tools  accomplish?  And  if
               those vendors don’t have AI capabilities, it’d
               be time to look into alternatives.

               Why World is Silent

                               Today, I am going to tell you why the world is silent, and Pakistan can’t do anything over Kashmir issue.
                               The non-Muslim world from very beginning doesn’t tolerate Muslim superiority over them Crusade
                               wars are the most elaborate example for this hatred (2) The ammunition and the artillery that the
                               superpowers sell to India and Pakistan each year makes a much part of their economy (3) The western
                               countries do not want that both these countries become economic power. If the disputes between
                               India  and  Pakistan  are  over  than  both  the  countries
                               which have countless resources including human
               By: Muhammad Junaid
                   (Multan)    resource,  fossils,  and  a  great  ambition  to
                  Reg # 20180488  become economic power.
               Now  why  Pakistan  can’t  do  anything,  there  are  particular
               reasons  for  it.  (1)  Pakistan  has  a  foreign  debt  of  35.094
               trillion Rupees and creditors are mostly western countries
               (2) Now, the Indian economy is ten times stronger than
               Pakistan, they have more resources. Moreover, it has
               more active relationships with western countries as
               well as with most of the Muslim countries  (3)
               Pakistan is not united internally it has many
               issues  inside  its  territory.  From  the  west
               there  is  disputed  Afghan  territory  where
               peace has been destroyed for decades,  to
               the southwest there are terrorist coming
               from Iranian border like KulboshanYadev
               those  who  are  destabilizing  the  country
               and destroying its peace, so in this state, we
               can’t wage in a war that is usually the last option. (May Allah
               almighty help us in difficult times).

                 How inflation is good for economy?

                                 Sustained increase in general price level in an economy is known as inflation. Most of us won’t
                                 believe but it would not be wrong to say that stable and low level of inflation is good for an
                                 economy. High inflation and deflation both can harm the economy, but the most important thing
                                 to know is that INFLATION IS BETTER THAN DEFLATION-that cause recession.

                                 Economists believe that MODERATE LEVEL of inflation enables economic growth and Low level of
                                 inflation can also lead to stable levels of consumption and workers also like it because it can lead
                   By: Fatima Ayub
                      (Lahore)   to less unemployment. Another good thing about low inflation is that countries exports relatively
                     Reg # 20142588  more competitive. Low inflation also prevent savers seeing fall in real value of savings and it
                 encourages investment too.

               ICMA Pakistan’s Students’ e-Magazine            18               Volume 2.1       |    February 2020
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