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Because  a  person  selects  what  data  should  be  used  for   and services, not replace the humans that use them.
               coaching an AI program, the potential for human bias is   The fifth-generation computing devices, based on artificial
               inherent and must be monitored closely.            intelligence, are still in development stage. Though there
                                                                  are  some  devices  which  are  being  used  today  such  as
               Some  industry  specialists  believe  that  the  term  artificial   voice  recognition.  The  use  of  parallel  processing  and
               intelligence is too closely linked to popular culture, causing   superconductors  is  helping  to  make  artificial  intelligence
               the general public to possess unrealistic fears concerning   a reality. Quantum computation and molecular and nano-
               artificial  intelligence  and  improbable  expectations   technology will radically change the face of computers in
               concerning how it’ll change the workplace and life generally.   few years. The goal of fifth generation is to develop a device
               Researchers  and  marketers  hope  the  label  augmented   that responds to natural language input and is capable of
               intelligence, that has a more neutral connotation, will help   learning and self-organization.
               people  understand  that  AI  will  merely  improve  products

                 Earn with Technology

                                 Technology  has  played  an  important  role  in  improving
                                 and  expanding  education  worldwide.  Website  and
                                 blog, is a part of technology through which a person,
                                 institutions and companies can easily and cheaply
                                 share  and  advertise  their  profiles  with  rest  of
                                 the world.
                   By: Hamza Khan  A weblog is an online journal or informational
                      (Karachi)  website  displaying  information  in  the
                     Reg # 20170537
                                 reverse chronological order, with latest posts
                 appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of
                 writers share their views on an individual subject.
                 Making money from your website & weblog isn’t a myth. It’s doable by
                 anyone. Infact, turning your part-time, hobby blog or website into an income is great with a bit of techniques and some
                 hard work.
                 There are lots of ways to earn online through websites and weblogs such as,
                 (1)    Affiliate marketing
                 (2)    E-books
                 (3)    Online Courses
                 (4)    Freelancing
                 (5)    Google ad Sense

                 At the very least, you should be able to make enough to cover your basic expenses for domain and hosting to build a
                 website through ad placement, but there is one good thing Weblog is for free to create or share your skills to others
                 Alots of bloggers are earning through
                 their weblogs like me.
                 this is an e-book weblog.
                 E-books   are   delivered   almost
                 instantaneously.  You  can  purchase,
                 download  and  start  reading  them
                 within  minutes,  without  leaving
                 your chair. You don’t have to go to a
                 bookstore to buy them, neither wait for
                 them for days, weeks and sometimes
                 more to arrive in the mail.
                 With today’s technology you can read
                 e-books everywhere, on the bus, train,
                 airplane, and while standing in line.
                 So why not earn with this technology
                 and make the best use of it?

               ICMA Pakistan’s Students’ e-Magazine            23               Volume 2.1       |    February 2020
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